Fleet Race Friday

Fleet Race Friday
GHS, Brunswick, RCDS, and GA at Fleet Race Friday

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

2018 Dave Perry Rules Talks

We are looking forward to the FCSL Rules Talk for Sailors and Coaches on Tuesday March 6th and the coaches' discussion on Thursday March 8th (details for both below). PLEASE let me know if you plan on attending one or both and approx numbers.

Tuesday March 6, 2018   15:45 - 17:15

The Dave Perry Clinic will be at 
Public Forum at Norwalk High School
23 Calvin Murphy Drive
Norwalk, CT
Enter the building from the main entrance. There will be signs directing you to the Public Forum.
Contact: Sam Jones (203) 614-9726 
Cost: $10/per sailor **Coaches, please collect money and bring one check or envelope of cash, clearly labeled with school name and number of sailors.** 
Checks can be made out to Dave Perry.
Students and coaches may want to bring extra money in case they want to purchase Dave's books, which he will gladly sign. 

Thursday March 8, 2018   18:30 - 21:00

The Dave Perry Coaches' Discussion with pizza dinner
Norwalk Yacht Club
10 Nathan Hale Drive
Norwalk, CT
Contact: Sam Jones
Cost: $35 cash per coach (includes clinic and dinner)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

2018 Pre-Season Updates

1. The CT State Champs will be held on Sat April 28th.

2. The Dave Perry Sailors clinic will be held on Tuesday March 6th. At Norwalk HS. ( Sam can help us with directions to NHS later)

3. The Dave Perry Coaches clinic is scheduled for Thursday March 8th. We can change this if people like. Just let me know ASAP. Norwalk YC is host site. 

4. Schedule: I will put the schedule together when I return from FL. So you should see it on say Tuesday of next week. The schedule is a rather time consuming process so I will deal with it when I am freed up a bit. 

- I have all teams spring break schedules
- It appears that all teams can race on Wednesdays again. This will make the sched much easier to create. 
- FL will be on the schedule to race but not FW as they do not have a full team. 
- If you want a JV event it would be easiest if you determined some events between the coaches and we did not try to put it on the official varsity schedule. 
- Both RHS and RCDS will be on the full schedule. Guys, all we ask is that you treat the schedule as if the events really counted and you attend each event. I will limit your travel up I95 to Darien, I think this is what we have done in the past. If you know of Wednesdays that you can not attend please let me know now. 
5. Marc, Christina, Tom, David, Greg, and all associated with PYC, can you please circle back with PYC about hosting a multi school TR event on the weekend of April 7th or 14th? Would be a great help to have you all get a big TR or two in on one or both weekends. Please let me know what PYC says. 

6. Sam Jones is the new DHS coach. DHS will be sailing out of Norwalk YC this spring. Norton YC is not finished yet. 

7 . If you know of any coaches or school reps that should be on this email list but are not, please let me know and I will add them. Likewise, if you want to be removed please let me know. 

