Fleet Race Friday

Fleet Race Friday
GHS, Brunswick, RCDS, and GA at Fleet Race Friday

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Mark and Terk Trophies

Following from NESSA:

NESSA has decided to use MIT as the host site for the 2018 NESSA Team Racing championship (Mark Trophy) and the NESSA Team Racing Tournament (Terk Trophy).  The Mark will be in FJs; the Terk will be in Fireflies.  This is what we did in 2016.

NESSA and Connecticut College tried for almost a year to come to an understanding regarding insurance. We appreciate everything the CC Coach Jeff Bresnahan did to try to make this a reality and we are grateful to  MIT's sailing director Fran Charles for his continuing support of High School sailing as well.

A Notice of Race will be posted by this weekend.  One change that you will notice from the past years is that HELMETS will be required to be worn by the competitors.  MIT will supply helmets for schools that do not own their own, but they have stated that "any type of helmet is acceptable."  Some of our member schools wear helmets on a consistent basis b/c it is a school rule.  One of our opponents this year and last has required that all visiting teams wear helmets at their site too.  My squad did not find that requirement onerous. 

At this time, the required wearing of helmets is not a long term goal of NESSA. I am sure there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss this issue over the next month and again at the Annual Meeting in November.  That said, our host asks us to do it, and the NESSA officers, Teams Event Chair, and several prominent coaches, thought it was a small price to pay to gain access to a great facility.

Additional, here is the 2018-2019 NESSA Championships site locations:

Healy - American YC (Rye, NY) in conjunction with the MASSA single handed championship.

O'Day - The Hotchkiss school (FJs)

Herreshoff - Bowdoin College (FJs and Turbo 420s)

Teams - SailMaine (Turbo420s)

Questions, comments, or concerns can be addressed to an ExComm Member.

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